The Fridge Doors

My eyes have been opened.  Not everyone, it seems, plasters their fridge doors with postcards and magnets and recipes.  Some prefer the sleek, clean, pure look of a bare fridge.  Other poor souls do not even have the option of adorning their doors, their fridges being non-metallic or elegantly disguised as cupboards. 

To all of you who weren’t able to join in the competition, I promise the next competition will be more inclusive.

Now before I share the fridges with you, let me point to towards my Flickr Fridge Set where where we can   ooooh and aaaahh and puzzle over the finer details of the fridges individually.  Wonderful idea, Lucy.  🙂

On to the doors!

Zoe – Progressive Dinner Party

Canberra, Australia

Love that Zoe’s 4 year old son’s to do list includes “Woch Woms anD Goit” i.e. watch Wallace and Grommit.  A boy with his priorities in the right place.

KathrynLimes and Lycopene

Sydney, Australia

There’s that diet character from Little Britain!  I hate her so much she’s great!

Lucy – Nourish Me

 Melbourne, Australia

The woman who can make anything look beautiful does it again.

ChelseaFigs and Twigs

West Virginia, USA

This fridge is actually a washing machine – see, I am inclusive!


Hawaii, USA 

Jess doesn’t have a blog but she does have an AMAZING Flickr site which makes me want to move to Hawaii.  Now.


DebDeb’s Key West Wine and Gardening

Key West, USA

Come back soon, Deb!  The blogsphere misses you!




Kelsie Travels With My Fork

Glasgow, Scotland 

Kelsie sent me no less than three fridge pictures.  A true fridge door lover.

BevB Baking


Bev’s blog is new to me.  Gorgeous pictures of gorgeous cakes.  🙂

Christina  – A Thinking Stomach

Pasadena, California 

Christina has just moved into her dream home (and mine) but managed to snap this picture of her old fridge before she packed up.  Love the big brown eyes top-right.

Sylvie  – A Pot of Tea and a Biscuit

Manchester, UK

Dinosaurs!  Fantastic.


RachelCoconut and Lime

Baltimore, USA

There’s a pug on this fridge.  A sign of good taste, in my humble opinion.  🙂

RosaRosa Jackson’s Edible Adventures

Nice, France

Rosa’s son Sam is the artist.  I’m in love with that pink bug.  Absolutely in love.


Kintore, Scotland

My best friend Gen’s fridge.  Her spaniel Rufus wrote the message to Marco.  🙂

LysyMunchkin Mail

Warwickshire, England

So much do I love the quotations on Lysy’s fridge, I’m going to put them on my own!

Cindy – Where’s the Beef?

Melbourne, Australia

I’m trying to figure out where that postcard is from…  Hmmm….

JohannaGourmet Green Giraffe

Melbourne, Australia

A definite giraffe theme going on here.  🙂

Mary – Shazam In The Kitchen

Ohio, USA

Two pictures as Mary uses two sides of her fridge.  Just as well – look how much is on here!!!


Marco will randomly select a winner tomorrow.  🙂


Another entry!

Nathalie – Spaced Lawyer

Rome, Italy

A late entry.  Just couldn’t say no to the one sleek fridge sent to me.  🙂

18 thoughts on “The Fridge Doors

  1. LOVE IT! Sorry I couldn’t get the fridge pic in on time but it’s so low down I don’t stick things on it. If you had asked for a pic of my pin board/s however, you would have been in for a shock…

  2. Your pictures make me miss my old fridge. The new one hides behind a wooden door and the washing machine is in the utility room downstairs so no good as an alternative. Might have to invest in a magnetic notice board…

  3. “Sleek”, “clean”, “pure” are words I’d love to use about my house and kitchen. But boy oh boy I’m so far off that mark.

    Love the fridge round-up Wendy.

  4. Thanks for such a fun idea – I actually found some magnets I had forgotten about in shuffling for this event and now I feel like going out and buying more – such cool ones in this round-up!

  5. That’s a fun gallery! Our fridge is behind an oak cupboard door, matching the kitchen we gained with the house. Our old fridge freezer is black and is in the utility room – it used to be plastered with freebie magnets from felix cat food tins!!
    This has inspired me to find some fun new magnets and postcards to celebrate the new fresh blue colour scheme!


  6. This was so much fun seeing what other people put on their fridges! I have lots more sayings in the same set made by my sister – would be happy to send you some!


  7. Too much fun! Thanks for getting this going. I love that we are all incidental collage artists when it comes to our fridges (or washing machines, as the case may be)… How creative!

  8. How Great! I wish I had saw this in time to participate. Love the pictures. Mine is covered in magnets, recipes, a need to buy stick out list, and a knife holder that also holds your small chopping board, and a ton of magnets my sis gave me, lol, she works at a fertility center so they are of the phases of change a fetus goes through, lol.

  9. Love the fridge doors. I am actually starting to hate my fridge – not only does it have a non-magnetic door but it is also way too small. Time to trade it in for a lovely one that I can decorate. Incidentally, I have a pin-board in the kitchen instead which is bursting to the seams with photos/notes/post cards etc…

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