
First stop on our honeymoon was Hanoi, Vietnam.  I wish I could have captured the buzz and movement and erratic energy of the city in my photos but any shot that tried was just a flat, silent, odourless, cool blur.   And that’s  just not representative of the beeps and clatter and chatter, the countless motorbikes stacked precariously high with eggs or piled with family members, the smoking coals and the sweating cold beers, the heat and the humidity that is Hanoi.

It’s a place that couldn’t be more different to our home in airy, orderly Inverness and that’s why, rather than visiting museums and temples and other sites of interest, we spent our time just wandering the streets, stopping for a beer or some street food and just watching a very different world go by.




Bia Ha Noi


Amazing meal

Hanoi Food


Hanoi at Night