Spinach & Garlic Meatloaf

I feel I ought to tell you something before sharing this recipe.  Before this year, I had absolutely no idea what meatloaf actually was.

Really. It’s not (as far as I’m aware) something that’s popularly eaten in Scotland.  I had heard about it on American TV programmes and films and, in my head, I had a vague notion that it might be a loaf of bread with flecks of mince through it and that didn’t sound terribly appealing.  Turns out it’s more like a huge sliceable burger.  Hmmm, that doesn’t sound particularly appetising either, now that I write it down…

Well, fellow meatloaf virgins, you’re going to have to just trust me on this one: it’s good.  Especially when bulked out with lots of veg like this one is and served with a smokey tomato & paprika sauce (this but with a teaspoon of smoked paprika and a glug of red wine).

Spinach & Garlic Meatload

(Adapted from The New York Times Cookbook)

(serves 4 – with enough leftover for a couple of rolls)

500g spinach

1 onion, finely chopped

2 celery sticks, finely chopped

Olive oil

6 garlic cloves, finely chopped

250g minced beef

250g minced pork

1/2 tspn nutmeg

1 slice of bread, whizzed into breadcrumbs

1 egg

A generous sprinking of salt & pepper

  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan and add the onion and celery.  Cook until the onion is translucent then add the garlic.  Stir then set aside to cool while you…
  • Drop the spinach into a pan of boiling water and pop the lid on.  Leave for a minute to wilt then drain.  Cool slightly then squeeze as much moisture as you can out of the spinach then chop roughly.
  • Add the spinach, onion mixture, meats, breadcrumbs, spices  and egg  into a bowl.  Season well then mix together well using your hand.   I recommend testing the seasoning by frying a tiny ball of the mixture in the frying pan and tasting to see if you need more salt or pepper.
  • Shape the mixture into the shape of a slightly deflated American football then wrap in bacon rashers.
  • Place on a baking tray and cook in a 180 oC oven for 1hr 15 mins.
  • Cool for 10 mins then slice.  Serve with a plain or smokey tomato sauce.
  • Roast in a …. oven for….
  • Remove from oven and let rest for 10 mins.  Slice thickly and serve topped with the smokey tomato sauce.

11 thoughts on “Spinach & Garlic Meatloaf

  1. Looks delicious! Meatloaf is rather common in Norway, but I’ve never had anything but the boring store-bought type. Here it’s called meat-pudding.
    Your meatloaf sure looks like a proper load of meat 😉

  2. I hated meatloaf as a child, but it’s a staple in our home now. My husband loves it. I don’t put spinach in mine but that’s a great idea. I do put a handful of grated cheese, though.. 🙂 And I actually cook mine in a crockpot sometimes! Very moist that way. Merry Christmas Wendy!

  3. My mum made lots of meat loaf when I was little – she would pour a tin of condensed tomato soup over it which I loved. This is part of the reason I have taken to nut roasts as a vegetarian!

    Have a great christmas wendy – am sure you will feel the absence of your mum but I hope you will also be celebrating with those who are with you and taking marco for some beautiful snowy walks (love your flickr pic) – thinking of you!

  4. Meatloaf is really common in Canada. We usually shape it into a rectangular brick, as it cooks more evenly that way. I usually put little bits of bacon and some bbq sauce on top of mine when it’s cooking. For those that can’t eat wheat, a handful of quick cook oats is an excellent substitute.

  5. I’m with you, not a common thing in Scotland. I only once attempted it and it was an unmitigated disaster – the poor friend who was over for dinner that night still brings it up when she wants to embarrass me! Yours looks amazing though!

  6. I’m American and very familiar with meatloaf, but this one puts all others to shame! Leave it you Wendy! YUM. Will be trying this soon.

  7. Never cooked meatloaf before, but I liked the look of this, a bit like a giant stuffing ball. I did change it a little, I only used minced pork and added thyme instead of nutmeg. It was gorgeous. My kids were very sceptical, but all tried it and ate it and enjoyed it even when they discovered the “suspicious looking green bits you’ve tried to hide mum” were actually spinach. The taste test for me is will they eat it twice. The answer “definately yes”. Empty plates = happy mum

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